Monday, September 30, 2019

History of 5 Bowen Road Essay

Look at any old photo of pre-1950 Hong Kong and the hillsides above the city were dotted with handsome verandah type homes like this one. From the Mid-levels up to The Peak, every successful European merchant, official, compradore or trader scrambled to put up a mansion befitting their perceived status in colonial society. This home was built in 1914 by the property company, Hongkong Land Investment and Agency Company Ltd. Its Devonian name ’Iddesleigh’ (pronounced ‘Idslee’) derived from the origins of its occupant, A Mr.  Mowbray Stafford Northcote secretary of the Hongkong Land Investment and Agency Company, who was an honorary correspondent to the magazine ‘Devonia’ and was related to the Earl of Iddesleigh. In common with many structures which were built on Hong Kong’s precipitous hillsides, the house stands on a handsome, terraced granite base. When built, the house would have had sweeping views across the harbour and its verandahs would have been open to the elements. Three-storey building built in neo-classical style, Corinthian columns, bow arch, decorated with carved eaves and rich ornate interior decoration, showing the lofty building owner socioeconomic status. The top of the building facade reflects its ornate pediment architectural style influenced by the Baroque. During the Japanese Occupation (1942-1945), this building was requisitioned as the home for the Japanese Imperial Naval commander. After liberation at the end of the Second World War, the house was occupied by the Royal Navy and it would later become the official residence of the senior RN officer in Hong Kong, the Commodore-in-Charge and has been better known as the â€Å"Commodore’s House† since 1952. In 1979, the building was handed over to the Hong Kong Government. In 1990, the building was allocated for charity Mother’s Choice Baby Nursing and residential special child care centers.

Sunday, September 29, 2019


Programming exercises 1. Consider the following incomplete C++ program #include int main() { †¦. } a. Write a statement that include the header files fstream, string, and iomanip in this program. b. Write statements that declare inFile to be an ifstream variable and outFile to be an ofstream variable. c. The program will read data from the file inData. txt and write output to the file outData. txt. Write statements to open both of these files, associate inFile with inData. txt, and associate outFile with outData. txt. . Suppose that the file inData. txt contains the following data: 10. 20 5. 35 15. 6 Randy Gill 31 18500 3. 5 A The numbers in the first line represent the length and width, respectively, of a rectangle. The number in the second line represents the radius of a circle. The third line contains the first name, last name, and the age of a person. The first number in the fourth line is the savings account balance at the beginning of the month, and the second number is th e interest rate per year. (Assume thatp = 3. 1416. The fifth line contains an uppercase letter between A and Y (inclusive). Write statements so that after the program executes, the contents of the file outData. txt are as shown below. If necessary, declare additional variables. Your statements should be general enough so that if the content of the input file changes and the program is run again(without editing and recompiling), it outputs the appropriate results. Rectangle: Length = 10. 20, width = 5. 35, area = 54. 57, parameter = 31. 10 Circle: Radius = 15. 60, area = 764. 4, circumference = 98. 02 Name: Randy Gill, age: 31 Beginning balance = $18500. 00, interest rate = 3. 50 Balance at the end of the month = $18553. 96 The character that comes after A in the ASCII set is B e. Write statements that close the input and output files. f. Write a C++ program that tests the statements in parts a through e. 4. During each summer, John and Jessica grow vegetables in their back yard and buy seeds and fertilizer from a local nursery. The nursery carries different types of vegetable fertilizers in various bag sizes. When buying a particular fertilizer, they want to know the price of the fertilizer per pound and the cost of fertilizing per square foot. The following program prompts the user to enter the size of the fertilizer bag, in pounds, the cost of bag, and the area in square feet, that can be covered by the bag. The program should output the desired result. However, the program contains logical errors. Find and correct the logic errors so that the program works properly. // Logic Errors #include #include iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { double cost; double area; Double bagSize cout

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Instructions will be attached Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Instructions will be attached - Essay Example First, it is an opportunistic response to the weak economy evidenced by the way customers respond to price reductions. Secondly, price cutting is a also a differentiated competitive strategy against the main competitor, Wal-Mart. This is evidenced by the fact that Target has maintained high price margins on home goods, electronics and designer apparel, and invested that extra capital in lowering prices in departments where they are directly competing with Wal-Mart, such as their grocery sector. However, it is worth noting that price wars have escalated with time forcing both retail giants to lower their price margins considerably. For instance, Mercent Corp. claims to change prices of approximately two million products every hour (Angwin and Mattioli web). This is no different from Target and Wal-Mart, as they seek to retain respective market shares. Considering Target’s strategy is more oriented towards product differentiation, then it cannot simply translate to â€Å"Wal-Mart mini-me† simply because Wal-Mart has a more price oriented strategy. Since Wal-Mart has maintained low price strategy especially in outlets competing with Target implies that Target is a worthwhile competitor to Wal-Mart. Target definitely needs a more rigorous strategy to grow. The best strategy will certainly depend on what Wal-Mart will do. Perhaps, Target may take Wal-Mart as a benchmark as they formulate their way forward. Angwin, Julia and Mattioli Dana. Coming Soon: Toilet Paper Priced Like Airline Tickets. The WallStreet Journal. September 5, 2012. Web. 24 April 2013.

Friday, September 27, 2019

A History of the Catholic Church on the Death Penalty Research Paper

A History of the Catholic Church on the Death Penalty - Research Paper Example Despite preaching immense love and respect for humanity, Catholicism exhibited extreme views on the death penalty. Going back to the earliest times, Christianity adhered to the concept of vengeance instead of forgiveness. â€Å"An eye for an eye, life for life, limb for limb† had been the doctrine of olden times Christianity. This was the doctrine of the churches and all the popes had been following it until The Church published its approved catechism in 1992 for the first time in over four centuries. Pope John Paul II described death penalty in these words: "the right and duty of the legitimate public authority to punish malefactors by means of penalties commensurate with the gravity of the crime, not excluding, in cases of extreme gravity, the death penalty." â€Å"The 1992 text then asserts that "the primary effect of punishment is to redress the disorder caused by the offense." Finally, it states, "If bloodless means are sufficient to defend human lives against an aggressor and to protect public order and the safety of persons, public authority should limit itself to such means because they better correspond to the concrete conditions of the common good and are more in conformity to the dignity of the human person." The second publication came in Latin in 1997 and to its readers’ surprise, the second version of catechism contained a significant change in the definition of the death penalty. But even before that Pope John Paul II issued a letter titled â€Å"On Human Life† (Evangelium Vitae, 1995). The letter emphasized the importance of the human life and reverence. It also arose many moral issues related to the death penalty. Although Pope John Paul had been favoring the death penalty as per the Capital Laws in the past this new shift surprised the Church’s followers to a great extent. Finally in the 1997 version death penalty was acceptable only in the extreme case of protecting one from the aggressor.  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Medical oncologists job satisfaction in light of Medicare Dissertation

Medical oncologists job satisfaction in light of Medicare reimbursement cuts, new legislation such as the Sunshine Act and burno - Dissertation Example The levels of job satisfaction have a strong influence in the efficient performance of job related functions. In the case of the physicians and nursing professionals the lower the levels of job satisfaction, the less efficiency in the delivery o patient care, and lower the patient satisfaction in the care received (Burke, 2004). It is for this reason that more than four decades earlier a key factor in health care delivery was the emphasis in attempts to increase the job satisfaction levels among physicians and nursing professionals, with a lot of concentration on financial rewards and improved working conditions. Evidence from studies subsequently has shown that these efforts have not produced the desired results. Over the past decade physician job level satisfaction has declined significantly, and is gauged by the lack of willingness to repeat their studies in medicine, were the option available to them (Burke, 2004). A key dimension that has emerged in the delivery of healthcare cu rrently is the requirement for lowering the costs in the delivery of care, but at the same time maintaining higher levels of quality in the delivery care. In addition there are changes that have occurred in the market place involving increase in competition and legislative financial pressures that are consistent with the requirement for lowering costs and increasing quality in the delivery of healthcare. ... tant exposure to the suffering of their patients, loss of patients, and the grief of the survivors, and are expected to provide relief in all these circumstances. In other words the normal practice of medical oncologists is stressful (Cherny & Catane, 2004). In addition to work pressures, medical oncologists face added financial stress coming from legislative action that will cause cut in Medicare re-imbursement from 2012 onwards (Walsh, 2011). 2. Aim of the Study The aim of the study is to evaluate job satisfaction among medical oncologists in the face of the increased challenges that they face in their practice of health care. 3. Objectives of the Study This study has three objectives, which are: 1. Evaluate the impact of Medicare reimbursement cuts on job satisfaction among medical oncologists. 2. Evaluate the impact of the Sunshine Act on job satisfaction among medical oncologists. 3. Analyse the impact of burnout due to work and family conflict on job satisfaction among medical oncologists. 4. Significance of the Study The elderly population in the United States of America (USA) is growing, which will place increased demands on providing care for their health needs. The incidence of cancer is known to rise with age. In addition, derived from the benefits advances in medical science there is and increase in the survivorship of cancer patients. Hence there will be increasing demand for medical oncologists to meet the health care needs of the general population, as well as the growing elderly segment. In a recent study conducted by the American Society of Clinical Oncology there is already a shortage of medical oncologists that will only worsen over the next decade. The study forecasts that in 2020 12,547 oncologists will be added to the strength of practicing

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Interpret the legal factors involved in corporate management and Essay - 1

Interpret the legal factors involved in corporate management and ownership - Essay Example For instance, share holders can sue the board of directors for an act they negligently commit or in breach of set By-laws. Jane, who is a share holder, is aggrieved by the boards’ decision to invest heavily in the company’s growth in negligent reliance on its officer’s financial reports. It is therefore important to establish whether the directors are liable or not while giving reasons for or against this assertion. In establishing liability, the most important consideration is whether the management acted within their authority or not which is derived from the company’s By-laws. This is the main reference in case of any conflict. However, there are general duties expected of officers which seem inherent in all corporations. Directors or officers to any Corporation are expected to perform daily duties with loyalty and obedience. â€Å"Among the daily duties of such workers include strategic planning, putting in place internal controls to ensure proper book keeping, implementing any devised strategies and setting up committees† (Whincup, 1998). The above case reveals a kind of directors who present faulty financial reports and the shareholder on full reliance of the reports incurs considerable losses. The directors in this question acted within their authority since book keeping falls within their job specification. However, they can be discharged from this liability if they can show that they acted in good faith and not in a fraudulent manner. This comes in especially where other persons acted on their behalf. They are however still liable since the acts were committed by their agents. The business judgment rule can be a good defense for the officers. â€Å"The rule immunizes corporate management from liability for actions that are undertaken in good faith, when the actions are within both the power of the corporation and the authority of the management† (Miller, 2011). From the foregoing, the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Context and Cultural Consideration Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Context and Cultural Consideration - Assignment Example Personally, I am Mexican-Irish having parents from both cultural communities and cherishes the practices as good and comforting as my life progresses. Since I am half Mexican and half Irish, I have to subscribe to the two cultures and practice them as much as possible. Actually, I love and enjoy both the Mexican and Irish culture and feel culturally accomplished when in either of the societies (Ungar, 2011). The historical and native of Mexicans is Mexico that lies just to the West and Southwest of USA. Mexicans are somewhat black and brown in complexion that makes them appear as neither Whites nor Blacks. However, most have witnessed racial discriminations, abuses, profiling and labelling by the whites who collectively view Mexicans as blacks. Being colony of Spain, large population of Mexicans living in speaks Spanish. For purposes of proper integration and compatibility, I had to learn the Spanish language. Mexicans in the rural towns of the Mexico country still hold to the earlier traditional practices despite the widespread perception among many people that Mexico is among the most enlightened countries. Interestingly, Mexicans living in the cities like Mexico City, Monterrey and Guadalajara among others, and who have exposure to much of Western cultures as influenced by USA and Europe through physical interaction and media tend to abide more to the foreign cultures. The mentioned population is very sensitive to changes to in fashion and ensures to update with the fashion transformations (Zunker, 2008). My Mexican family is big and boasts of people with diverse stands and views in life. An individual who manages to accommodate and work with such a mix of people can undoubtedly manage to handle even the most challenging clients. Mexicans have rich music and film industries that gain great acceptance across the globe. Ireland that is the inhabitant of the Irish is one of the constituent members of the United Kingdom (UK) in the continent Europe.  Ã‚  

Monday, September 23, 2019

Geography assignment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Geography assignment - Research Paper Example Analysis presented in this paper is helpful in understanding the geographical account of the Kerman province in reference to the Islamic world from the 7-12th century. On a broad front, the paper explores the geographical environment of the Kerman province of the south central Iran, natural features and its resources (Le, 2008). In addition, the paper evaluates and analyses how Islamic region has influenced the landscape, natural and economic resources as well as the environment of Kerman province at this period of study. Geographically Kerman province is located at a high margin of Lut desert surrounded by Mountains such as Saheb Al Zman. The area is entirely populated by the Muslim community and governed by the Islamic rule since the wiping out of the Kharijites who thrived in the region since the third century (Kennedy, 2012). Analysis of the Kerman environment between the 7-12th century was influenced by the events, activities and cultures of the Islamic religion but current the situation has changed due to modernization and economic revolution. In the ancient type of Islamic rule, Kerman province water, air and land environment was favored by the Islamic activities and events that occurred at that the religion experiences today Wheatley, It is worth noting that, current the Kerman province faces environmental concerns than it was from the 7-12th century. The Kerman province air environment is faced with pollution challenges especially in the urban area. For example, the emissions from the vehicles, industrial effluents and refinery operations affect the air environment today than it was in the ancient period (Cooper & Yue, 2008). To some aspect, in the ancient period the quality of air was normal without major pollutants except for the natural dust emissions that were temporarily subjected to the environment due natural consequences (Muqaddasī & Collins,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Physical Chemistry Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 3

Physical Chemistry - Lab Report Example Chemical electronic transitions that are usually induced through the absorption of visible light spectrum result in excited state molecules. In the process energy is absorbed, dissipated or both. The absorbed energy must be released to return the excited species back to the original ground state. Typically, on absorption of light at their absorption maxima, dye molecules exhibit long excited state lifetimes and emit radiation at longer wavelengths (fluorescence or phosphorescence). The excited state of the luminescent dye can be quenched by an energy transfer mechanism upon collision with oxygen molecules [1] As a result, the intensity of luminescence is reduced along with the lifetime and the degree of quenching is proportional to the oxygen concentration. Fig. 1 shows a schematic diagram of an optical oxygen sensor. The active components of the sensor are the luminescent dye encapsulated in a polymer medium, a light source (commonly a LED or laser) for exciting the dye at a particular wavelength, (550–800 nm) [2], a photodiode to detect the fluorescent radiation and an optical fiber for the transmission of light. The quenching of the luminescence can be characterized by the Stern-Volmer eqn. [3] Figure 1 Schematics of an optical oxygen sensor. (1) Gas or liquid path, (2) Lumophore dispersed on oxygen permeable membrane, (3) lens and filter, (4) exciting radiation, (5) fluorescent radiation, (6) optical fiber, (7) LED/Laser, (8) photodiode, and (9) display In a typical ground electronic state is a singlet (all electrons paired). Electronic excitation results in an excited state singlet that may undergo internal conversion to a triplet state. Due to the forbidden nature of a triplet singlet transition, the triplet state may exist for a substantial length of time. The emission from this state is known as the phosphorescence. Fluorescence refers to the emission from

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Glands Menagerie Essay Example for Free

The Glands Menagerie Essay A Streetcar Named Desire was written by Tennessee Williams in 1947, eliciting the most critical commentary of any of his works, as well as being highly divisive: upon its release, one reviewer defined it as the product of an almost desperately morbid turn of mind1; George Jean Nathan criticised the unpleasant2 nature of the play, calling it The Glands Menagerie'3. Williams focus on realism, and the subsequent omission of clear-cut protagonists and antagonists in Streetcar, also drew glowing reviews, from the pre-eminent theatre critic Brook Atkinson, for example, who called Williams a genuinely poetic playwright whose knowledge of people is honest and thorough4. This difference in opinion does not stop at subjective criticism of the play, but even the specific genre which Streetcar falls into. Many assume it to be a tragedy of some type, and there is indeed much to commend this view. However, the ambiguous nature of many aspects of the play and Williams inclusion of alternate dramatic devices has led many to believe that Streetcar should not be classified as a tragedy, but as a melodrama. In any tragedy, the tragic protagonist is of vital importance: everything is centred on the protagonist, their flaw and subsequent downfall. However, in Streetcar, there is large uncertainty as to who this tragic protagonist actually is. This equivocacy may be observed in the difference in artistic opinion between the plays original director, Elia Kazan, and the plays second director, Harold Clurman. Elia Kazan was a close friend of Tennessee Williams, who told him to ensure that Blanche (had) the understanding and compassion of the audience without creating a black-dyed villain in Stanley5. Indeed, from his directors private notebook, published in 1976, it is clear that Kazans sympathies lie with Stanley, who he sees as defending his household against the corrupting influence of Blanche: for instance, Stanleys seemingly crude violation of Blanches belongings in an attempt to find legal papers and his later physical violation of her person would have been justified in Kazans eyes, as the social incorrectness of Blanches intrusion into his domestic kingdom and subsequent undermining of his authority and values (Well if youll forgive me hes common! He acts like an animal Stanley Kowalski survivor of the Stone Age! , Dont hang back with the brutes! ) outweighs the respective incorrectness of his retaliatory actions (Come to think of it maybe you wouldnt be bad to interfere with ). As such, Kazans direction dictated that Stanley be the victim of Blanches actions. It was even reported that some members of the audience cheered the rape of Blanche in Kazans production, with critic Signi Falk noting the waves of titillated laughter (which) swept over the audience 6. In direct opposition to Kazan, Clurman reallocated the role of victim to Blanche, positing that Streetcar portrays the crushing of sensitivity (Blanche) by brute force (Stanley), therefore portraying the rape as such instead. These contradictory interpretations illustrate the crucial problem in labelling Streetcar as a tragedy, at least in a strictly Aristotelian sense: there is no singular, defined hero or heroine, both can be interchangeably depicted as victim or antagonist. There is even discussion as to whether Stanley and Blanche represent either. Williams himself seems to support this: I dont want to focus guilt or blame on any one character but to have it a tragedy of misunderstanding and insensitivity to others 7. This has only confirmed the ambiguous nature of the play, fuelling and perpetuating the uncertainty surrounding it and taking it even further away from the Aristotelian tragic ideal. Additionally, Aristotle dictated that tragedy should chart the demise of a great person, as he argued that their cataclysmic downfall due to hamartia would evoke higher pathos in the audience; Williams focuses instead upon the demise of people in the dregs of society, ensuring that there is no way that Streetcar could possibly be considered to be a strictly classical tragedy. However, it is still possible to identify aspects of classical tragedy in Streetcar, which further heightens the vagueness surrounding the genre which Streetcar finds itself in. There is, for example, evidence of anagnorisis leading to peripateia, a tragic device which Aristotle considered to be the mark of a superior tragedy: In Scene Three, after Stanley beats Stella and realises the error of his ways, he breaks into sobs and telephones Eunice, who has taken Stella in, in an attempt to talk to (his) baby, to no avail. This is arguably Stanleys lowest point, as Stanley has alienated Stella, leading to one of the iconic moments in American drama: Stanleys heaven-splitting cry of STELLL-AHHHHH! an outburst of animal desperation. This moment, then (if Streetcar is considered to be a battle between Blanche and Stanley for Stellas affections), is a victory for Blanche. However, in Scene Ten, the roles are reversed: Blanches telephone call for help is unsuccessful, and she is arguably at her lowest point of the play here, as Stanley shatters all her illusions and pretensions (Not once did you pull any wool over this boys eyes! ), uncovering her multitude of lies, which makes Blanche face the reality of the threat Stanley poses to her (i. e. anagnorisis). So, while it is plain that Streetcar is by no means a classical tragedy, it does include facets of tragedy as defined by Aristotles Poetics. There is perhaps a more credible case for Streetcar being a tragedy in a slightly broader sense: that is to say, encompassing the characteristics of modern domestic tragedy. Arthur Miller summed up the essence of domestic tragedy in his work Tragedy and the Common Man: It is time, I think, that we who are without kings, took up this bright thread of our history (tragedy) and followed it to the only place it can possibly lead in our time the heart and spirit of the average man 8. The conclusion of Brook Atkinsons review of the opening night reflected this sentiment: Out of poetic imagination and ordinary compassion (Williams) has spun a poignant and luminous story9. Miller argued against the Aristotelian ideals concerning tragedy: where Aristotle believed tragic heroes had to be of high social standing (for reasons above stated), Miller proposed that tragic heroes could be formed out of the working classes. Domestic tragedies of this nature became popular in the 19th and 20th centuries as a result of writers such as Miller, portraying the breakdown of a social construct, emphasising the distortion and destruction of domestic order. Streetcar could, then, be construed as a domestic tragedy, as it portrays the demise of the social system from the old agrarian South (as represented by Blanche) and the rise of the post-war urban industrial society (as represented by Stanley). Furthermore, Streetcar concerns the fates of Blanche and Stanley in the main, Stanley being irrefutably lower class; although Blanche is not as straightforward to categorise according to class, at the beginning of the play, Blanches demise has already occurred: she has already fallen from her previously high status, having lost her estate and fortune. Therefore, although Streetcar charts her descent into insanity, it does not show her fall from a high position in society, again rejecting the Aristotelian norm. It therefore seems as though Streetcar could easily be defined as a domestic tragedy, a judgement Dan Isaac agrees with: Streetcar is a modern tragedy, and Blanche DuBois tragic flaw is hubris pride of intellect and pride of sexual prowess10 If one tragic hero can be singled out, then it is possible to find their personal hamartia, and Streetcar becomes a domestic tragedy with aspects of classical tragedy. However, one prominent feature of Streetcar has yet to be introduced into the debate, and that is the huge emphasis on melodrama and expressionism.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Empirical evaluation of accounting income

Empirical evaluation of accounting income With the rise of multinational companies and the growth of transnational investments, there has been an increasing demand for an empirical evaluation of accounting income numbers. The Ball and Brown study in 1968 broadens this area of accounting research. With the rapid development of the literature, there are more than 1000 published papers in academic accounting and finance journals in the last thirty years (Kothari, 2001). However, several accounting experts assert that there are some weaknesses in the research of Ball and Brown. Meanwhile, critics argue that their empirical evaluation contributed to the accounting research since late 1970s. The purpose of this essay is to introduce the strengths of Ball and Browns paper and identify its influence on the development of accounting. This essay will argue that the limitation of the paper is not serious, but its advantages are very significant. First, arguments for and against the empirical research are discussed. Then, an evaluation is explored .Lastly, a conclusion is presented. 2. The weaknesses of the paper The major motivation of the Ball and Brown study is to use empirical evidence to prove whether the accounting income numbers convey information of firms financial performance. They pioneered capital markets research in accounting. However, their study still has some weaknesses. 2.1 Unreliability The reliability of their results depends on the sources of information, which may be a potential limitation of the study. Although we are not disputing the reliability of the said sources, they should be investigated. Research should be conducted to document various types of institutions. According to Zhang (2007), the selection of the sample did not include companies meet the following four conditions. The first one is the failed company. The second one is a company whose financial year does not end on the 31st of December. The third one is the company that is not recorded in the CRSP database of stock price research centers. It also includes the young firm that is not described by the Wall Street Journal. Given those situations, the generality and reliability of their results may be reduced. 2.2 Limitations The research firmly supposes that some information of stock prices can be reflected by the earnings. However, the Ball and Brown study did not use a statistical test to ascertain whether there is any difference between earning information and the information reflect in the stock prices. Rayburn (1986) asserts that stock returns have been statistically compared with cash flows, earnings, and accruals during the 1980s. Aside from providing a formal test, sketchy information of cash flow was used in previous research. The succeeding studies used more comprehensiveness expectation models to separate the unanticipated components of earnings, accruals, and cash flows, given that returns in an efficient market only reflect the unexpected components (Livnat et al., 1990).ListenRead phonetically 3. The strengths of the paper Although the weakness of this paper is obvious, the design of variables and the results of the test have made outstanding contributions to research of accounting income. 3.1 Ingenious design of variables After identifying the research themes, Ball and Brown selected the most representative accounting income numbers to measure the information content. Considering that shareholders are more concerned about EPS and net income, Ball and Brown used them as variables. To determine the information content of the accounting income, they used market efficiency hypothesis and the capital asset pricing model as references. According to the efficient market hypothesis, the authors maintained that observable stock price is fluctuant and linked with information. This can mean that accounting income numbers are useful. The key to determining the relationship between accounting income and stock price is to distinguish the security prices of a particular company as well as all the other companies. Therefore, the authors built two models of market expected return to examine how the market reacts to accounting income numbers. Ball and Brown separated factors that affect earning into two different kinds: specific factors and system factors. System factors affect all companies, thus, the surplus of one company and other companies can be linked with each other. If the link is suitable, then stability can be shown using a fixed function, enabling us to achieve the income conditional expectation of one company based on other companies data. Thus, changes in the unexpected surplus of earning can be estimated by calculating by the changes in both actual income and conditional expectation. The authors defined the difference as the gain of current information. At the same time, they assumed that the changes in policy and corporate have been enacted before the first estimation. Thus, the influence of macroeconomic and policy changes can be estimated jointly. The authors initially used the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) to estimate the linear regression coefficient and intercept of samples annual income changes and average income changes. Secondly, the changes in the market income average were used as independent variables and included in the regression model to calculate the expected value of income changes. Finally, the changes in the value of unexpected earnings (prediction residual) referred to the actual value of the earnings change minus the change in earnings expectations. Therefore, market effect was removed from the estimation of expected surplus, which means the authors did not take system factors into account. Similarly, the factors affecting the impact of no stock or stock returns can still be separated into two factors: system factors and specific factors. First, the authors used capital asset pricing model to separate the system factors and from non-system factors, then calculated the deviation of actual rate return and expected stock return. Secondly, Ball and Brown calculated the companys stock return residuals (abnormal returns). Given that markets are efficient, stock prices will adjust quickly and effectively about the new information, so residuals can show the impact on stock prices of new information. To test the validity of statistics, Ball and Brown used an alternative model- naive model. In this model, an alternative variable is the expected surplus for last years actual surplus. The naive model does not eliminate the market effects, but verifies the earnings per share targets. 3.2 Remarkable results This paper distinguished expected changes and unexpected changes in accounting incomes to estimate the abnormal return and changes in unexpected accounting incomes. In addition, it theorized that when the surplus prediction error is negative, it is both advantageous and disadvantageous. This paper presented the hypothesis that if the accounting income numbers could be linked with stock prices, then the announcement of accounting income numbers could result in changes in the stock returns. In the empirical test, the authors defined the month of annual report as 0, API representing the abnormal performance index of month M. In the process of calculating the API, the changes in unexpected earning are first separated into two groups (positive and negative), and then all samples are calculated together. Ball and Brown thought that if accounting income is related to stock returns, it can be assumed that if the changes in unexpected surplus are positive, then API is larger than 1; if they a re negative, then the API is less than 1. In the combined sample, API is close to 1. Ball and Brown thought that annual income report can provide new information; however, it cannot be transmitted in time, because most of its content comes from various sources (interim report and non-accounting information, annual accounting report is only one of them) .The authors also found that after the announcement of the annual report, API has a tendency to drift on, that is, revenue projections residual error signal and the relationship between stock returns in the annual report may be continued for two months. After analysis, which may be caused by the transaction costs, and excluding the impact of transaction costs, the market reaction to the numbers tends to be unbiased. 4. Evaluation At first glance, one weakness of this empirical research is the limitation of the sample which may decrease the generality and reliability of the results. However, the selection of the sample was similar to the tests used in related literature, which could lead to consistent results if used the same way on other samples. The weaknesses of the paper also include the limitation of the statistical tests. Nonetheless, it had a significant impact on later research. In 1968, the Ball and Brown study shows that accounting earning announcements contain information content. In the meantime, they link the sign of monthly abnormal stock return with the sign of the previous years earnings change. Starting with Ball and Brown, many studies began to compare alternative accounting performance measures, such as historical cost earnings, current cost earnings, residual earnings, and operating cash flows with stock returns. Under the similar circumstances, the Ball and Brown study also facilitated Watts and Zimmermans positive accounting theory in the late 1970s (Watts and Zimmerman, 1979). As Watts and Zimmerman (1990) point out, most accounting research since Ball and Brown has been positive, and the role of accounting theory is no longer normative. According to Kothari (2001), Ball and Brown heralded the positive-economics-based empirical capital markets research in the late 1960s. The theoretical and methodological innovation of the early accounting research was founded by the concurrent developments in economics and finance. Without this historical exploring of Ball and Brown in early capital market research, even seasoned researchers may have to detour or lose continuity. In addition, this paper analyzes the insufficiency of theoretical studies using empirical testing to find out whether the accounting income numbers are useful. It initially provides reliable evidence that stock markets can influence annual reports. Then researchers began to do a lot in reflect of stock market. Furthermore, the method used is also applicable to a large number of accounting and financial issues, including dividend announcements, earnings announcements, mergers and acquisitions, and investment spending. 5. Conclusion This essay has discussed the weaknesses and strengths of the empirical evaluation of accounting income numbers by Ball and Brown. Although this research has some limitations, the merits far outweigh the disadvantages. It preceded the positive-economics-based empirical capital markets research of the late 1960s. The theoretical and methodological innovation of the early accounting research was founded by the concurrent developments in economics and finance. Therefore, it is suggested that this research plays a great role in the development of accounting .In this essay, only a few strengths are mentioned; the ways of putting these benefits into practice need further exploration.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Its Time for Voluntary Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide :: Euthanasia Physician Assisted Suicide

America Needs Voluntary Euthanasia      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are at least two forms of suicide. One is 'emotional suicide', or irrational self-murder in all of it complexities and sadness. Let me emphasis at once that my view of this tragic form of self-destruction is the same as that of the suicide intervention movement and the rest of society, which is to prevent it wherever possible. I do not support any form of suicide for mental health or emotional reasons.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   But I do say that there is a second form of suicide -- justifiable suicide, that is, rational and planned self-deliverance from a painful and hopeless disease which will shortly end in death. I don't think the word 'suicide' sits well in this context but we are stuck with it. Many have tried to popularize the term 'self-deliverance' but it is an uphill battle because the news media is in love with the words 'assisted suicide'. Also, we have to face the fact that the law calls all forms of self-destruction 'suicide.'      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Let me point out here for those who might not know it that suicide is no longer a crime anywhere in the English-speaking world. (It used to be, and was punishable by giving all the dead person's money and goods to the government.) Attempted suicide is no longer a crime, although under health laws a person can in most states be forcibly placed in a psychiatric hospital for three days for evaluation.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   But giving assistance in suicide remains a crime, except in the Netherlands in recent times under certain conditions, and it has never been a crime in Switzerland, Germany, Norway and Uruguay. The rest of the world punishes assistance in suicide for both the mentally ill and the terminally ill, although the state of Oregon recently (Nov. l994) passed by ballot Measure 16 a limited physician-assisted suicide law. At present (Feb. l995) this is held up in the law courts.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Even if a hopelessly ill person is requesting assistance in dying for the most compassionate reasons, and the helper is acting from the most noble of motives, it remains a crime in the Anglo-American world. Punishments range from fines to fourteen years in prison. It is this catch- all prohibition which I and others wish to change.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Mahfouzs Akhenaten, Dweller in Truth Essay -- Historical Novels Histo

Mahfouz's Akhenaten, Dweller in Truth In the history of literature, perhaps the most explored genre is the historical novel. From the Epic of Gilgamesh to the present day, authors have taken historical facts and interpreted them novelistically. When no facts are available, the author may extrapolate missing parts of the story from two sources -- either through the interpretation of the existing scholarly data or through the author's imagination. These two approaches to 'filling in the gaps' of a historical novel can either appease the historian and displease the literary critic or please the literary critic and upset the historian. Very few novelists can produce a historically accurate novel that is also pleasing to a literary critic; to do so would be very difficult because the novelistic plot structure hardly ever follows the structure of truthful historic events. A novelistic writing about a battle in World War Two would be bound to either an accurate portrayal of the events around the main character or a convincing d epiction of the people involved. If the author chose to write about turrets, casualty statistics, and troop movements, he would surely sacrifice much of the artistic content of the novel. If the author chose to focus on character and plot, then the writer couldn't portray the event with the specificity it requires. However, the exception to these guidelines appears when a novelist chooses to write a historical novel about a time or a person when large portions of the historical picture is still either unknown or up for scholarly debate. This condition presents itself infrequently to the historical novelist, in circumstances where few people witnessed or spoke about the event, or through an event so ancient tha... ... with a few authorly embelishments. Despite his lack of glaring inaccuracies, the author does not seem to capture the anthropological, sociological, and political climate of the Amarna period. Having examined Mahfouz's portrayal of the pre-Amarna and Amarna periods, in the context of popular belief and scholarly interpretation, the novel appears as an interesting yet general view of Akhenaten and his times. Despite his writing geared towards a general audience, Mahfouz does not take advantage of his audience by engaging in heresay and confabulation. The novel appears to be thought out on the basis of scholarship, both Egyptian and otherwise, giving the reader a surface glance of the complications of the Amarna period. Works Cited: Brier, R., The Murder of Tutankhamen, 1998. Robbins, Gay. The Art of Ancient Egypt. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1985.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

SHakespeare :: essays research papers

William Shakespeare was surely the world's most performed and admired playwright. He was well known in his time, and like many artists his fame continues to grow after his death. His plays dealt with many controversial topics, from racism to witchcraft- perhaps adding to the appeal of his plays in general. Shakespeare led an amazing life for his time, a time when actors and actresses were looked down upon and discriminated. He helped to change this stereotype and altered the world perception of theatre forever. In this report, I will outline many areas of Shakespeare’s life, including His birth, marriage and children, parents and family, education, as well as his death. William Shakespeare the famous playwright was born in April, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, about 100 miles northwest of London. According to the records of Stratford's Holy Trinity Church, he was baptized on April 26. It was customary to baptize infants within days of birth, and because Shakespeare died 52 years later on April 23, and-most significantly-since April 23 is St. George's day, the patron saint of England, it has become traditional to assign the birth day of England's most famous poet to April 23. As with most sixteenth century births, the actual day was never officially recorded, but along with most remarkable men the power of myth and symmetry has proven irresistible, so April 23 it has become. Shakespeare's parents were John and Mary Shakespeare, who lived in Henley Street, in Stratford. John, the son of Richard Shakespeare, was a whittawer (a maker, worker, and seller of leather goods such as purses, belts and gloves) and a dealer in agricultural commodities. He was a solid, middle class citizen at the time of William's birth, and a man on the rise. He served in Stratford government successively as a member of the Council (1557), constable (1558), chamberlain (1561), alderman (1565), and finally high bailiff (1568)--the equivalent of town mayor. About 1577 John Shakespeare's fortunes began to decline for unknown reasons. There are records of some debts he may have had, but of course, none can be verified for certain. In 1586 he was replaced as alderman for shirking responsibilities, and in 1592 was reprimanded for not coming to church for fear of process of debt. Records for the Stratford grammar school from the time Shakespeare would have attended have been lost, but attend he undoubtedly did since the school was built and maintained expressly for the purpose of educating the sons of prominent citizens.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Racial and Ethnic Discrimination in Canada Essay

â€Å"You know the world is off tilt when the best rapper is a white guy (Eminem), the best golfer is a black guy (Tiger Woods), the tallest basketball player is Chinese (Yao Ming, 7’6†³) and Germany doesn’t want to go to war (in Iraq)†. Charles Barkley stated in a 2003 interview, pointing out various misconceptions with stereotypes. A stereotype is defined by dictionary. com as: â€Å"something conforming to a fixed or general pattern; especially: an often oversimplified or biased mental picture held to characterize the typical individual of a group†. I have commonly heard stereotypes such as the French are good cooks, Italians are great lovers, and the Irish are lazy or comments made like dumb jock, lazy Cape Bretoner, or that women are not strong!! The list could go on endlessly as there appears to be stereotypes regarding people of all races, religions, sexes and ethnic groups, etcetera. Stereotypes can be either positive or negative. Most stereotypes tend to make us feel superior in some way to the person or group being stereotyped. Stereotypes ignore the uniqueness of individuals by painting all members of a group with the same brush. Throughout the course of this paper I plan to discuss some racial and ethnic issues in Canada. Where some of these issues originated from, what we can personally do to help eliminate discrimination in the workplace and what the government is doing to try to combat such discrimination. Let me first begin by defining discrimination, racism and ethnicity since these terms are all important terms to understand before going into further discussion. To discriminate is simply defined by yourdictionary. com as: â€Å"To make distinctions on the basis of class or category without regard to individual merit; show preference or prejudice. † Therefore, discrimination occurs when a person is not treated equally because of their gender, race, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, sexual orientation, or age. Yourdictionary. com defines racism as: â€Å"The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others. Discrimination or prejudice based on race. † In other words, when an individual or group is treated unfairly or abused because of their skin color or racial heritage they are victims of racism. Ethnic, as defined by yourdictionary. com is: â€Å"Of or relating to a sizable group of people sharing a common and distinctive racial, national, religious, linguistic, or cultural heritage. B. Being a member of a particular ethnic group, especially belonging to a national group by heritage or culture but residing outside its national boundaries. † With that being said, it is my belief that stereotypes and ignorance about others most often lead to discriminatory behavior both inside and outside the workplace. I have heard Canada described as a multicultural nation meaning that Canadians are not of any one cultural background, race or heritage. For all Canadians, including Aboriginal People, this multicultural diversity can be traced to an immigrant past. This does not mean that the majority of today’s Canadians are immigrants but rather that the majority of Canadians have in their past, perhaps many generations ago, a family member who migrated here from another country. That is why many of us have a mixed ancestry, for example; Irish, Scottish, Ukrainian, French and Aboriginal, and the list can go on. Canada’s Aboriginal People were the first to immigrate, and settle across the continent, tens of thousands of years before European settlers. After the European settlers came the French, followed by the English, Scots and Irish formulating Canada into the diverse country it is today. In the years before the American Civil War, thousands of black slaves escaped slavery in the United States by following the â€Å"Underground Railway† north to Canada. Then, at the turn of the century, American farmers moved northward into the Canadian prairies to develop farm lands. Although Canada originally consisted of a wide variety of immigrants, some people were not as welcome in the country as others and were therefore not treated equally. Those who were of different race, color, or religion then the majority of Canadians were labeled as â€Å"foreigners†. The use of the term â€Å"foreigner† held many connotations for example, different, strange or inferior and many at the time wanted to see the â€Å"foreigners† assimilate to fit into Canadian society. There are many events in Canada’s past that has contributed to the racism and discrimination in Canada today for example, the disregard and unfair treatment of Aboriginal Peoples by European’s who settled here. Even though a vast majority of African-Americans moved to Canada to avoid slavery, from early in the 1600’s until 1834 there was a recorded 4092 slaves throughout the country, mostly living in Quebec . The Asiatic Exclusion League, which originated in California in 1905 as an anti-Oriental movement, moved north into Vancouver in 1907. The league was the main instigator in anti-Asian riots in the city since their main goal was to have all Chinese and Japanese immigrants removed from North America out of fear that they were taking jobs away from Whites . It also appears that throughout history the acceptance of immigrants in Canada greatly depended upon the economic state of the country at that time. During the Great Depression of the 1930’s immigrants seeking jobs were unwelcome and overlooked for employment. Although the Government of Canada has made many advances in breaking the barriers that Aboriginal People, immigrants and minorities face in the country; immigrants today still face a number of problems when trying to enter the labor market, for example: ? Non-recognition of international credentials and work experience ? Lack of Canadian work experience ?Inability to communicate in English or French ?Insufficient labor market information prior to immigrating to Canada I have traveled to some of the major cities in Canada and was a little surprised by the degree of segregation that is apparent in these cities. By this, I mean that these larger cities, like Toronto and Vancouver, have communities which are almost completely independent from the rest of the country. These independent communities that I saw, of Chinese or Italian people, seemed to have everything they needed to survive within the community including their own schools. I could not help but wonder what effect this type of segregation has on the country. I respect the fact that all people are trying to protect their identity. At the same time, by choosing to live in Canada, shouldn’t they try to integrate into the country a little more while still preserving their identities? Shouldn’t they try to assimilate? How can Canada thrive as a country with so much segregation? We need to become a unified country. Not such a historical thought pattern, I guess!! It is people who have attitudes like mine that are causing problems in the country or do all people have these thoughts and choose not to admit it. I have similar negative feelings about scholarships being available only to certain people or government funding for certain people to attend university because they are a minority. I understand that differential treatment is required in order for equality to become a possibility. However, I still feel a degree of resentment about these programs being offered when I have to borrow money in an effort to obtain my university degree. Will this resentment evolve? When I hold a management position in the future, will I discriminate against a person because he or she doesn’t have a huge student loan to pay and another does? It is cases like mine that causes racism to continue in society and the workplace today? With the announcement of Nova Scotia’s plan to increase immigration into the province came an increase in the racist comments I have heard. Since I work in bars I hear, and partake in, a great deal of conversation. When people are drinking they tend to be even more likely to say things they normally wouldn’t. That is why I have heard, at times, some very racist remarks. People have said that the government should be trying to retain people in the province that are born here before they bring â€Å"foreigners† here. They need to take care of their own first!! It is because of these comments and feelings that I am doubtful that discrimination against people, because of their race or color, will ever be completely eliminated in the country. How do we achieve equality with so much differentiation? How do we check or personal opinions at the door when we go to work? Since it is impossible to eliminate racism and discrimination entirely in society, we need to do as much as possible to eliminate it in the workplace. We need to make changes similar to the changes companies have made in an effort to combat discrimination against people because of their religion. For example, adapting zero tolerance rules, providing more education for employees, human resource departments need to provide more opportunities for people of minorities, immigrants, and Aboriginal Peoples and barriers have to be removed for all these people who are trying to enter our labor market. March 21, 2005 is International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination a day to remember the struggles and challenges that Aboriginal peoples and people of color have endured. It is also a time to recognize and applaud the fact that members of these two communities have made anti-racism struggles a significant part of labor’s agenda. Lets’ respect this day and try to make some positive changes at home, school, or work toward eliminating racism.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Intercultural Communications Essay

Whale Rider is a contemporary fairy film, which depicts our celebration to our spiritual bond together with our natural environment. In particular it shows the celebration of our spiritual bond with the ocean, and its creatures the whales. It has its basis on a Maori legend, transcends local space and time. The film evokes concerns as to the relationship that exists between human with the natural world. It also depicts the role women play in the spiritual traditions as can be seen in the story of Pai (Keisha Castle Hughes) who is eleven years old. The tale takes place within the heart of Maori tribe. It is filmed on authentic tribal property in Whangara on the east coast of New Zealand North Island. There is participation of the Ngati Konohi elders and other members of the tribe. Niki Caro who is the screenwriter lived within the tribe before the film was released (Farrell, 299-300). He created a respectful and exuberant depiction of a story that is unique. From the beginning of the film the viewer is immersed in Pai’s world, with active imagination that she has, her child like realm and also the ageless wisdom, which corresponds to the call of ancient whales. This is what draws her to be able to fulfill her destiny. Her destiny has its roots in conflict and there is demand for intuitive wisdom, visionary actions and also a brave wisdom to be able to accomplish this destiny. Her mother and her twin brother passed away during childbirth. She was named after Paikea who was a legendary ancestor who arrived in New Zealand carried on back of a whale. Pai father left his community with great grief and feeling incapable to offer a son who would continue succession of chiefs. He starts a new life by undertaking a course in fine arts in Germany. Pai is taken care of by her grand parents. In the process there is a strong bond that is formed between Pai and her grandfather Pako. The grandfather watches her and realized that she had great interest to change the traditional ways (Reinhardt, pg 10-11). The grandfather has the aim to preserve the succession of the tribe and makes an appointment of a male to replace him. Despite this Pako has to make struggles in order to keep the tradition of the society alive. There is social and spiritual crisis in the society. There is also disintegration of the community because there is no one to succeed him in the society. In order to be able to revive the ancient lore he starts a school where boys are taught native teachings on martial arts. Girls and women are not allowed to attend this school. However, Pai breaks this traditional because of the irresistible force by her many attempts to participate the classes which were intended to be attended by male warriors. The hopes by Pako to find the next leader weakens as all the boys fail in their final test. Pai is protected by her grandmother because of her rebellious character. The grandmother recognizes her inborn affinity with the ancient myths that existed in the society. There is a beautiful scene which depicts the wise woman and the girl sitting gazing on the ocean. The ocean is lit by the radiance of the full moon (Rountree, pg 98-100). This shows the mysteries that women have in their spirituality and also reflects the special bond that women have with the moon and the sea. All through the film the ocean looks as an animated entity shimmering in rich shades of blue, grey and turquoise. It reflects the sky, the moonlight, sunlight a mediating body that connects the people with their spiritual origins. The whales and the ocean depict the fusion of nature and spirit. Therefore, when a group of whales is washed near the shore their destiny is metaphorically connected with the survival of the tribe. As can be seen from the film the conservatism and rigidity of the male dominated traditions makes the tribe to be disintegrated. Even with the support of his people Pako is cannot save the whales. There is mourning of the revered creatures and tribes mythical lifeline. There is no one in from the tribe who dares to envision what is to come in future. The luxurious photography which is taken underwater and enhanced by digital effects and models together with the energizing rhythms of performance, editing and sounds depicts the transformation of Pai into a whale rider. Pai’s body works together with the ancient creature. His soul makes communication with creature’s awareness. She is able to awaken the dying whale ride ion its back and guides the herd to go back to the depths of the ocean. She entrusts her fate to the ocean. She does not fear to die and she is guided by an instinct and insight beyond time. The whales and the ocean responds by bringing Pai back to the shores of the ocean with the tide. There is a new leader who has been born and there is also beginning of a new era. Whale Rider provides a powerful message of hope and watching this film provides a healing experience. It is a unique cinematic vision which gives an impression to the creative potential of the female spirit. The film depicts the theme of female empowerment in an ordinary way but the way that the context in which it is depicted is unique. Just like many tribal societies the Maoris are patriarchal. In this society the thought of a female leader is not thinkable, and also goes against the traditions of the society. The film reveals what might happen if a girl appear to have been talented with mystical capabilities of becoming a leader or a chief in that kind of a society. The film provides a more positive point of view showing that despite the fact that change is necessary it is not supposed to destroy culture and tradition of a society. Pai aim is not to destroy the customs and traditions of the society which have existed for more than one thousand years but to reshape it and continues with the same traditions and customs. Leonard, pg 15-22). The film looks like a study of sociology but this is only its background. The film is uplifting as it shows a girl who defies any odds to be able to achieve her goals. There is use of humor in order to keep the tone of the overall film light although there are some moments of deeper heartfelt pathos. The relationships and characters in the film are three dimensional. The most rewarding relationship in this film is that of Pai and her grandfather. This is shown especially at the start of the film where we see that the grandfather has genuine care for her granddaughter. For the daughter all what she wants is to earn respect from the grandfather. This is depicted as she gives a speech dedicated to her grandfather. Keisha is just as wonderful as Pai. This is because she shows unflagging spirit and great determination. The afro mentioned speech is the best scene shown by the actress. She presents the speech in an amazing way and even sheds tears. Koro is depicted as a stern and humorless man but not a villain. He is depicted as a man of strong values who cannot let go the rigidity of his upbringing (Reinhardt, pg 10-11). When Koro starts a new school in order to supplement the secular education of the young boys, Pai wishes to join the school too but she is rebuffed harshly in her attempts. She shows depth of character as she simultaneously quest for equality. She is also aware that her grandfather would not be willing to make her acquire her desires because of his strong attachment to patriarchal values. Her close relationship with her grandmother who lived a life that is universally recognizable to Americans provides warmth and support to Pai in her quests for equality (Leonard, pg 15-22). The film has is thrilling as it unfolds seamingly with Maori music and rituals which bridges the spoken language. Whale Rider never becomes a saccharine because it is partly a straight tale and also partly a gripping mystical fable. Just like in many modern films the music and the Maori songs complement but do not compete with the dialogue which is a welcome change in films. The film whale rider has a different and a more powerful approach. In the film there are no whites and there are only children t-shirts and some music which comes from a boom box that suggest the encroaching force of the majority who had control (Rountree, pg 98-99).

A Reflection Paper on Gintong Pamana

The evidences that will prove that Filipinos have a rich culture in pre-colonial period are the gold Jewelries and their technology. Firstly, Gold is a precious metal that surpasses all ores in the world. It is the most expensive to the point people search for it, fight for it, and even kill for it. But that wasn't the case in pre-colonial period. All classes?the nobles, freemen and the two types of slaves (lapping Mahayana and lapping salesgirl)?wore gold Jewelries.There are many uses of gold back then, but hey were Just an ornament on their bodies, utensils, decorations, orifice ornaments for the deceased when they laid to rest, and more. Lastly, their manual technology on how they molded the gold. In the video, seeing the belts, figurines and the stunning over the shoulder â€Å"halter† weighing four kilos of pure gold made me gasp and deeply think. â€Å"Just how on earth they made those ornaments? † I thought. They made it manually and with the only help of a cruci ble to melt the gold and so they were able to produce works that are superior.The film definitely challenged my assumptions. I assumed that the Filipinos have poor culture because they don't have the modern technology but I was completely wrong. The folks who inhabited the islands nearly a millennium ago were already so advanced In their craftsmanship which was also true at different points of our history in the beautiful textiles, baskets, embroideries, etc. Watching the video made me realize that I do not such grand material heritage In my house but I do have the heritage of knowledge and values.I already gained It at the time I had my consciousness. I believe that I can preserve them by passing It down to future generations. At least for me, knowledge and values are the most Important heritage because It teaches you moral lessons and It can lead you too better life. We Filipinos are always searching for our Identity. People are complaining that we are not pure or natives, uncivil ized and messiest but at the time when we see the Surreal treasures, we realize that Is already the core, which Is who we are.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

A Game of Thrones Chapter Forty-nine

Eddard The grey light of dawn was streaming through his window when the thunder of hoofbeats awoke Eddard Stark from his brief, exhausted sleep. He lifted his head from the table to look down into the yard. Below, men in mail and leather and crimson cloaks were making the morning ring to the sound of swords, and riding down mock warriors stuffed with straw. Ned watched Sandor Clegane gallop across the hard-packed ground to drive an iron-tipped lance through a dummy's head. Canvas ripped and straw exploded as Lannister guardsmen joked and cursed. Is this brave show for my benefit? he wondered. If so, Cersei was a greater fool than he'd imagined. Damn her, he thought, why is the woman not fled? I have given her chance after chance . . . The morning was overcast and grim. Ned broke his fast with his daughters and Septa Mordane. Sansa, still disconsolate, stared sullenly at her food and refused to eat, but Arya wolfed down everything that was set in front of her. â€Å"Syrio says we have time for one last lesson before we take ship this evening,† she said. â€Å"Can I, Father? All my things are packed.† â€Å"A short lesson, and make certain you leave yourself time to bathe and change. I want you ready to leave by midday, is that understood?† â€Å"By midday,† Arya said. Sansa looked up from her food. â€Å"If she can have a dancing lesson, why won't you let me say farewell to Prince Joffrey?† â€Å"I would gladly go with her, Lord Eddard,† Septa Mordane offered. â€Å"There would be no question of her missing the ship.† â€Å"It would not be wise for you to go to Joffrey right now, Sansa. I'm sorry.† Sansa's eyes filled with tears. â€Å"But why?† â€Å"Sansa, your lord father knows best,† Septa Mordane said. â€Å"You are not to question his decisions.† â€Å"It's not fair!† Sansa pushed back from her table, knocked over her chair, and ran weeping from the solar. Septa Mordane rose, but Ned gestured her back to her seat. â€Å"Let her go, Septa. I will try to make her understand when we are all safely back in Winterfell.† The septa bowed her head and sat down to finish her breakfast. It was an hour later when Grand Maester Pycelle came to Eddard Stark in his solar. His shoulders slumped, as if the weight of the great maester's chain around his neck had become too great to bear. â€Å"My lord,† he said, â€Å"King Robert is gone. The gods give him rest.† â€Å"No,† Ned answered. â€Å"He hated rest. The gods give him love and laughter, and the joy of righteous battle.† It was strange how empty he felt. He had been expecting the visit, and yet with those words, something died within him. He would have given all his titles for the freedom to weep . . . but he was Robert's Hand, and the hour he dreaded had come. â€Å"Be so good as to summon the members of the council here to my solar,† he told Pycelle. The Tower of the Hand was as secure as he and Tomard could make it; he could not say the same for the council chambers. â€Å"My lord?† Pycelle blinked. â€Å"Surely the affairs of the kingdom will keep till the morrow, when our grief is not so fresh.† Ned was quiet but firm. â€Å"I fear we must convene at once.† Pycelle bowed. â€Å"As the Hand commands.† He called his servants and sent them running, then gratefully accepted Ned's offer of a chair and a cup of sweet beer. Ser Barristan Selmy was the first to answer the summons, immaculate in white cloak and enameled scales. â€Å"My lords,† he said, â€Å"my place is beside the young king now. Pray give me leave to attend him.† â€Å"Your place is here, Ser Barristan,† Ned told him. Littlefinger came next, still garbed in the blue velvets and silver mockingbird cape he had worn the night previous, his boots dusty from riding. â€Å"My lords,† he said, smiling at nothing in particular before he turned to Ned. â€Å"That little task you set me is accomplished, Lord Eddard.† Varys entered in a wash of lavender, pink from his bath, his plump face scrubbed and freshly powdered, his soft slippers all but soundless. â€Å"The little birds sing a grievous song today,† he said as he seated himself. â€Å"The realm weeps. Shall we begin?† â€Å"When Lord Renly arrives,† Ned said. Varys gave him a sorrowful look. â€Å"I fear Lord Renly has left the city.† â€Å"Left the city?† Ned had counted on Renly's support. â€Å"He took his leave through a postern gate an hour before dawn, accompanied by Ser Loras Tyrell and some fifty retainers,† Varys told them. â€Å"When last seen, they were galloping south in some haste, no doubt bound for Storm's End or Highgarden.† So much for Renly and his hundred swords. Ned did not like the smell of that, but there was nothing to be done for it. He drew out Robert's last letter. â€Å"The king called me to his side last night and commanded me to record his final words. Lord Renly and Grand Maester Pycelle stood witness as Robert sealed the letter, to be opened by the council after his death. Ser Barristan, if you would be so kind?† The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard examined the paper. â€Å"King Robert's seal, and unbroken.† He opened the letter and read. â€Å"Lord Eddard Stark is herein named Protector of the Realm, to rule as regent until the heir comes of age.† And as it happens, he is of age, Ned reflected, but he did not give voice to the thought. He trusted neither Pycelle nor Varys, and Ser Barristan was honor-bound to protect and defend the boy he thought his new king. The old knight would not abandon Joffrey easily. The need for deceit was a bitter taste in his mouth, but Ned knew he must tread softly here, must keep his counsel and play the game until he was firmly established as regent. There would be time enough to deal with the succession when Arya and Sansa were safely back in Winterfell, and Lord Stannis had returned to King's Landing with all his power. â€Å"I would ask this council to confirm me as Lord Protector, as Robert wished,† Ned said, watching their faces, wondering what thoughts hid behind Pycelle's half-closed eyes, Littlefinger's lazy half-smile, and the nervous flutter of Varys's fingers. The door opened. Fat Tom stepped into the solar. â€Å"Pardon, my lords, the king's steward insists . . . â€Å" The royal steward entered and bowed. â€Å"Esteemed lords, the king demands the immediate presence of his small council in the throne room.† Ned had expected Cersei to strike quickly; the summons came as no surprise. â€Å"The king is dead,† he said, â€Å"but we shall go with you nonetheless. Tom, assemble an escort, if you would.† Littlefinger gave Ned his arm to help him down the steps. Varys, Pycelle, and Ser Barristan followed close behind. A double column of men-at-arms in chainmail and steel helms was waiting outside the tower, eight strong. Grey cloaks snapped in the wind as the guardsmen marched them across the yard. There was no Lannister crimson to be seen, but Ned was reassured by the number of gold cloaks visible on the ramparts and at the gates. Janos Slynt met them at the door to the throne room, armored in ornate black-and-gold plate, with a high-crested helm under one arm. The Commander bowed stiffly. His men pushed open the great oaken doors, twenty feet tall and banded with bronze. The royal steward led them in. â€Å"All hail His Grace, Joffrey of the Houses Baratheon and Lannister, the First of his Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm,† he sang out. It was a long walk to the far end of the hall, where Joffrey waited atop the Iron Throne. Supported by Littlefinger, Ned Stark slowly limped and hopped toward the boy who called himself king. The others followed. The first time he had come this way, he had been on horseback, sword in hand, and the Targaryen dragons had watched from the walls as he forced Jaime Lannister down from the throne. He wondered if Joffrey would step down quite so easily. Five knights of the Kingsguard—all but Ser Jaime and Ser Barristan—were arrayed in a crescent around the base of the throne. They were in full armor, enameled steel from helm to heel, long pale cloaks over their shoulders, shining white shields strapped to their left arms. Cersei Lannister and her two younger children stood behind Ser Boros and Ser Meryn. The queen wore a gown of sea-green silk, trimmed with Myrish lace as pale as foam. On her finger was a golden ring with an emerald the size of a pigeon's egg, on her head a matching tiara. Above them, Prince Joffrey sat amidst the barbs and spikes in a cloth-of-gold doublet and a red satin cape. Sandor Clegane was stationed at the foot of the throne's steep narrow stair. He wore mail and soot-grey plate and his snarling dog's-head helm. Behind the throne, twenty Lannister guardsmen waited with longswords hanging from their belts. Crimson cloaks draped their shoulders and steel lions crested their helms. But Littlefinger had kept his promise; all along the walls, in front of Robert's tapestries with their scenes of hunt and battle, the gold-cloaked ranks of the City Watch stood stiffly to attention, each man's hand clasped around the haft of an eight-foot-long spear tipped in black iron. They outnumbered the Lannisters five to one. Ned's leg was a blaze of pain by the time he stopped. He kept a hand on Littlefinger's shoulder to help support his weight. Joffrey stood. His red satin cape was patterned in gold thread; fifty roaring lions to one side, fifty prancing stags to the other. â€Å"I command the council to make all the necessary arrangements for my coronation,† the boy proclaimed. â€Å"I wish to be crowned within the fortnight. Today I shall accept oaths of fealty from my loyal councillors.† Ned produced Robert's letter. â€Å"Lord Varys, be so kind as to show this to my lady of Lannister.† The eunuch carried the letter to Cersei. The queen glanced at the words. â€Å"Protector of the Realm,† she read. â€Å"Is this meant to be your shield, my lord? A piece of paper?† She ripped the letter in half, ripped the halves in quarters, and let the pieces flutter to the floor. â€Å"Those were the king's words,† Ser Barristan said, shocked. â€Å"We have a new king now,† Cersei Lannister replied. â€Å"Lord Eddard, when last we spoke, you gave me some counsel. Allow me to return the courtesy. Bend the knee, my lord. Bend the knee and swear fealty to my son, and we shall allow you to step down as Hand and live out your days in the grey waste you call home.† â€Å"Would that I could,† Ned said grimly. If she was so determined to force the issue here and now, she left him no choice. â€Å"Your son has no claim to the throne he sits. Lord Stannis is Robert's true heir.† â€Å"Liar!† Joffrey screamed, his face reddening. â€Å"Mother, what does he mean?† Princess Myrcella asked the queen plaintively. â€Å"Isn't Joff the king now?† â€Å"You condemn yourself with your own mouth, Lord Stark,† said Cersei Lannister. â€Å"Ser Barristan, seize this traitor.† The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard hesitated. In the blink of an eye he was surrounded by Stark guardsmen, bare steel in their mailed fists. â€Å"And now the treason moves from words to deeds,† Cersei said. â€Å"Do you think Ser Barristan stands alone, my lord?† With an ominous rasp of metal on metal, the Hound drew his longsword. The knights of the Kingsguard and twenty Lannister guardsmen in crimson cloaks moved to support him. â€Å"Kill him!† the boy king screamed down from the Iron Throne. â€Å"Kill all of them, I command it!† â€Å"You leave me no choice,† Ned told Cersei Lannister. He called out to Janos Slynt. â€Å"Commander, take the queen and her children into custody. Do them no harm, but escort them back to the royal apartments and keep them there, under guard.† â€Å"Men of the Watch!† Janos Slynt shouted, donning his helm. A hundred gold cloaks leveled their spears and closed. â€Å"I want no bloodshed,† Ned told the queen. â€Å"Tell your men to lay down their swords, and no one need—† With a single sharp thrust, the nearest gold cloak drove his spear into Tomard's back. Fat Tom's blade dropped from nerveless fingers as the wet red point burst out through his ribs, piercing leather and mail. He was dead before his sword hit the floor. Ned's shout came far too late. Janos Slynt himself slashed open Varly's throat. Cayn whirled, steel flashing, drove back the nearest spearman with a flurry of blows; for an instant it looked as though he might cut his way free. Then the Hound was on him. Sandor Clegane's first cut took off Cayn's sword hand at the wrist; his second drove him to his knees and opened him from shoulder to breastbone. As his men died around him, Littlefinger slid Ned's dagger from its sheath and shoved it up under his chin. His smile was apologetic. â€Å"I did warn you not to trust me, you know.†

Friday, September 13, 2019

Definition and Meaning of Environment Assignment

Definition and Meaning of Environment - Assignment Example So the environment is the foundation for the human sustenance and growth and we need to protect it at all costs. According to ( Beggs,2012) â€Å"The regulation of practices that affect the environment has been a relatively recent development in the United States, but it is a good example of government intervention in the economy for a social purpose†. 2. Risk controls can be categorized into three types mainly; prevention, detection, and correction. In this type of risk control, there are controls to prevent the harm and loss from occurring. Like authorizing people in an organization with different tasks and having specific experts for hazard management can avoid problems. In detection, activities are monitored to identify risky behaviors and actions. In corrective type, the controls are made to restore the system or process to a normal position like as in state prior to the harmful event. Factors leading to hazard can be an unrefined authority, inappropriate hiring system, unhygienic atmosphere and unplanned management. For example, if the employee having less professional knowledge of hazard management, handling hazardous materials can bring forth a lot of mishaps, accidents, conflicts, and chaos. 3. The nine classes of hazardous material by D.O.T are 1) Explosives 2) Gases 3) Flammable and combustible liquid 4) Flammable solid, spontaneously combustible and dangerous when wet 5)Oxidizer and Organic Peroxide 6) Poison and Poison Inhalation Hazard 7)Radioactive 8)Corrosive 9) Miscellaneous. One of the news articles which research on acid has been detailed to understand its nature and hazardous effect. This article titled â€Å"Rise of Acid Ocean eats away the base of the food chain† explains the effect of acidic content in the ocean on its marine life. As per (Connor,2014 ) â€Å"Rising amounts of carbon dioxide dissolving in the ocean is causing the acid corrosion of tiny sea creatures that form the base of the marine food chain, scientists have discovered†.  Ã‚  

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The wife of President James Madison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The wife of President James Madison - Essay Example We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Unknown to her, she was invoking the Preamble when she honored the soldiers after each battle won since is it an action of common defense. Isn’t it an act of promoting general welfare when she mobilized the society who contributed their own funds to reestablish Washington, the seat of the government, when it was destroyed by the enemies? In effect she was demonstrating domestic tranquility when she tried to unite political parties by throwing parties bringing together two opposing political parties; introducing social etiquette and protocol included. In renovating the White House she wanted every Americans to take pride of it; because to her, the White Ho use is the representation of authority, and a common defense. When she installed dignity to women’s position at a time when gender equality reigns, she is practically framing the constitutional rights of women of equality. Gender equality later on became part of the Constitutional Amendment. I believe Dolley Madison had every right to be called the â€Å"last founders† because she put into practice the idealism prescribed in the Constitution long before it was penned into law. She created symbolic ties that brought the government.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Dream is now Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Dream is now - Essay Example One of my friends has completed his university studies last year but up to date he is unable to secure any job of his dream in the government or high ranking agencies in this country. This is because his status of being undocumented. Hence, end up settling for less than what all through he has worked hard and smart to do in life, which is quite a disappointing. In most cases, this has prompted him to struggle financially as he tries to cater for varied expenses, which if he was employed like any other said documented citizens life to him would have been quite easy. Based on my experience and what I have learnt through this 30-minutes video, undocumented immigrants face utter segregation when it comes to employment opportunities. This is despite having gone through extremely demanding learning process entailing not only financial commitments but also one’s time. It is quite demoralizing especially when one all through has studied and excelled but he or she cannot manage to secure a good employment opportunity with the government as well as its agencies. This is despite both the regime and its agencies having such openings for fresh graduates but those recruit cannot dare think of undocumented candidates having the required skills and expertise. In addition, these undocumented immigrants despite having excelled well in high school, higher institutions cannot take them. Hence, end up making them undergo extremely tedious and demoralizing processes if they ever secure a chance in those institutions. In most cases, this goes to the extent of some candidates giving up in life if they are not strong willed. After watching this film, I learnt those in high offices especially from both sides of the influential political parties only careless about the undocumented. This is by coming into a consensus of what ought to be done in

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

World war II technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

World war II technology - Essay Example Hence World War II is characterized by the introduction of modern warfare. It was the peak of the activities, such as industrial development and scientific introduction into machine industry and military field that enabled advancements. The build up to the usage of heavy military machinery and technology was in action and practice way earlier than the World War II set into action. For example, the traces can be seen in late 1920s and mid 1930s where the Germans resolved to expand their military strength by enhancing their military, naval, and air force strength. For example, the usage of nuclear technology and nuclear physics enabled the use of atomic bomb which was an unprecedented event and a single bomb resulted in destruction of the entire city. During the war, the capturing of the iron ore rich areas in Norway and Denmark was similar moves, which were based on the concept of capitalizing on the areas of strength and capturing them before the enemy, so that the military needs cou ld be fulfilled in terms of the heavy machinery needs. (Parker 25) It was rightly said by Churchill that never in the history the battle field had so many owed so much to so few. Referring to the outstanding performance of the Great Britain’s air force, the battle of Britain which lasted over 2 months, resulting in destruction of over 700 fighters of British forces and over 1300 of German forces, speaks of the kind of technology that was adopted and introduced at that time. This technology enabled the battle that lasted for over two months to complete and all through the courtesy of science and technology incorporated into military field and defense purposes. Despite the global recession and days of Depression all over, Germany had focused on establishing military strength and large arsenal that would be used in a few years time against the enemy. Hence, technically it would be wrong to say that the technology and advancements crept in only during the course of the Second Wor ld War, rather it was in force and action for number of years. The German military and air force might which was known as Luftwaffe (Pimlott 141) was famous for its smart and timely work and was nicknamed as lightening fast, since it enabled to reach the targets in no time and over powering them. Aircrafts, counter machines and weapons, such as anti air craft missiles, radar systems, interceptors, use of chemical weapons, atomic bombs, all were the gifts of the Second World War. The presence of large amount of arsenal manufacturing industries in different parts of the axis region was focused and motivated by the sole reason of usage on large scale during the Second World War. Use of tanks was exhibited for the first time in the history of battle fields. The tanks were richly supported to allow moving through the canals, and other marshy areas which were not accessible at earlier times, and in absence of such ability the tanks would become a liability. However, this was not the case in this particular war and owing to the advancements in the military and scientific field, tanks had become a very necessary tool to overcome the enemy and thereby each side invested heavy in this domain. V2 and U2 (Bishop ,323) bombers were another feat that were achieved and gifted through the Second World War expedition. While the First World War was more of static in nature, and relied heavily on the naval strength, since Britain being part of the Allies group had strength on naval front, the convention was changed and both the allies and Axis, resorted to new means and tactics, and thereby expanded their strength in ground and air domain, as a result pressing the pedal over inventions and introduction

Monday, September 9, 2019

How I Saved a Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How I Saved a Life - Essay Example The American countryside experience was quite interesting and calm. Unlike the city which was flocked with people, Colorado had sparse population. There were a lot of old houses that we encountered as we drove off the highway and into a paved spur and finally to a washboard that led us to Ed’s home. The fresh smell of countryside welcomed us home as cows mooed and horses neighed. Our vacation had just begun. Hardly had we finished taking tea that we were out as Ed was dying to show me around. Joining us was one of Ed’s friends who schooled in the countryside and had come to welcome Ed home. The young girl was lovely and we got along quite easily.As we were strolling round the fields, I could not help but appreciate the beautiful scenery of the old structures together with the green environment. While everything seemed fine, the unexpected happened. I had a quick yell which fast disappeared into the ground. On turning back, I could not see the young girl. By that time, E d was running towards the source of the scream. I quickly followed him and true to our fears, Ed’s friend was trapped in a pit. The pit was dark and had stems and roots of various plants running deep inside. We could only hear echoes of the girl’s cries from the top of the pit. Confused and scared, we stared at each other not knowing what to do with darkness quickly setting in.Ed was particularly scared because of what I came to realize later was fear of losing the friend having lost a cousin in the pit some years back through a similar experience

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Assessment Individual workbook (70%) 3000 words Assignment

Assessment Individual workbook (70%) 3000 words - Assignment Example For instance, the government’s ‘Mortgage Support Policy Scheme’ supports home owners who have fulfilled the set criteria to pay back their mortgages by offering around 80 percent of total interest assured. This policy will somehow decide part of Bryant homes’ policy; the more individuals who find the money to pay back mortgages, the more houses would be sold but by increasing demand. Economic: The general economic view for the last six quarters has been that of a contracting financial system. Even with the small intensification attained, the majority of sectors of the economy are still suffering from the outcomes of the recession. The result, together with increasing unemployment level, is that individuals have smaller amount money to use, and are likely to spend their restricted resources on necessary products. This invariably indicates that the high-end market where Bryant homes is represented may suffer, which is not the case of lower-end market. Nonetheless, the government has made attempts to ensure ascertain that additional credit is accessible to individuals via the banks â€Å"by issuing bailout funds† (Barlow et al, 2003, p. 139). These developments indicate that the company may have to sell its significant stock of developed houses at prices quite below to what was actually estimated, with the purpose of raising cash and enhance liquidity. Social: The business has started societal campaigns to support learning, secure operational environment and job assurance to the individuals. Social factors play a critical role in influencing the policies Bryant homes adopts since alteration in â€Å"patterns of living may dictate what sort of houses increase in demand† (Pan et al, 2007, p. 190), for instance, family focused houses rather than flats. Technological: The role of technology in the accomplishment of any business in aggressive markets of today cannot be disregarded. The company invested huge amounts during the last year to improve the

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Time spent outdoors is Beneficial Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Time spent outdoors is Beneficial - Essay Example he greater part of the day working inside and then go home to their residential condominium buildings to rest and sleep, so that this has led to a sedentary way of life for most. This kind of lifestyle has a deleterious or adverse effect on a persons health in the long run. Outdoors refers to places in a natural setting when in some rural areas or in semi-natural environments when in out-of-town suburban places or when in highly urbanized cities, to any place that is outside of any building or dwelling. In this regard, it is vital for people to get out especially during daytime in order to get the beneficial effects of sunshine, such as vitamin D. Other than that, they also get fresh air as opposed to breathing indoor air produced by the air conditioners which have become quite ubiquitous these days and may contain toxins. Spending time outdoors and staying in the sunshine also has some psychological effects on people, as they will raise their spirits and avoid depressed moods. In other words, spending time outdoors clears the mind and raises the spirits of people as they can see and appreciate all the beauty of nature. Time spent outdoors can be particularly enjoyable if they also engage in some recreational activities or leisurely pursuits like cycling, hiking, camping or fishing. The idea of spending time outdoors is to engage in some physical activity that will let a person burn off excess calories and avoid the dangers of obesity and its associated ailments. A person who is quite active and spends a considerable amount of time outdoors tends to be a bit healthier compared to a person who sits in the office the whole day. This is why doctors and other health care practitioners and wellness advocates encourage people to be active whenever they have spare time to do so. However, people need not stay too long in direct sunlight as it is also dangerous in some respects, such as the ultra-violet rays that can cause skin cancer. A few minutes each day of sun

Friday, September 6, 2019

Ebay in China Essay Example for Free

Ebay in China Essay The joint venture with Tom Online will allow eBay to enter the Chinese rapidly growing market. In 2007, China experienced a technology boom in which more people were using the Internet than ever before. Besides the rocket increase of Internet usage in China, E-Commerce is growing as well. With the power and influence of Tom Online, eBay has a unique opportunity to grab the market share of a billion people in China. EBay can benefit a lot from the joint venture with Tom online. Tom Online will help eBay reach millions of people through Internet as well as the mobile Internet. Graph 1 shows that China experienced an exponentially growing in Internet usage. From 2005 to 2007, the Internet users in China doubled from 111million to 205 million. The big population of China almost guaranteed Internet usage growth. With the increase of Internet usage in China, the online shopping also grows rapidly. According to graph 2, online transaction value in China jumped from 3.9 billion RMB to 23.1 billon, representing an incredible growth rate of 253%. All the statistics above strongly prove that China is the perfect market for eBay to tap into. In addition to the great potentials of the market of China, the new marketplace will bring together the strengths of both companies. EBay EachNet’s global e-commerce knowledge and large and active trading community in China, and TOM Online’s local market knowledge and active wireless user base of more than 75 million. The new marketplace will bring enhanced online and mobile opportunities to buyers and sellers in China, evolving eBay’s participation in China and extending TOM Online’s wireless service portfolio into m-commerce. Upon the launch of the new marketplace, eBay EachNet users will be invited to transition to the new site, a nd TOM Online will work to deliver its user traffic to the site as well. Risks On the other hand, it is also risky for ebay to form the joint venture with Tom Online. EBay must pay close attention to Tom Online and their strategy in the market. Instead of eBay, it is Tom Online that has the majority share in Tom EachNet at 51%. EBay has injected over $40 million into Tom EachNet,  while Tom Online only contributed $20 million (along with knowledge, technology, and brand value). It is clear that eBay has more to lose in the deal, while Tom Online is simply negotiating their presence in China. EBay must work closely with Tom Online to ensure that their visions for Tom EachNet are similar, and a common strategy is taken to succeed. China’s business culture is another obstacle that eBay must monitor closely. Tom Online does have extremely well connection with the Chinese government, and eBay must be sure to take advantage of the TOM Online’s political networks in China. .

Duopoly Coles vs Woolworths Essay Example for Free

Duopoly Coles vs Woolworths Essay For most of us its just part of everyday life decisions. Where to shop for the week, Coles or Woolworths? Should I drink Pepsi or Coke today? Do I go to MYER or David Jones to buy new make up from? We take in consideration a few prices, how convenient it will be to get there, what would we rather do, and that’s it. But there’s something bigger behind this. What is the impact on such big rivals, for us and the economy? It’s not just about personal choices. Living and studying in Australia for the past 11 months, going to do my grocery shopping at Coles or at Woolworths has become part of my routine. And because it is such an ordinary thing to do, we tend to forget that we make part of a much bigger picture, and are contributing to several factors regarding the Australian economy. However, this race for the best has its advantages and disadvantages, and of course, this is affecting us as well. The Price War One of the advantages of this never ending battle for us customers, are the low prices. Because there is such a big competition for prices, each of the supermarket brands will try to make it as affordable as possible to the consumer, as a reaction to get competitive advantage. One big example of this war is the milk price. Both supermarkets can sell milk for $1. It is very difficult to make any profit if you’re selling products at such a low price, as Rob Murray, the chief executive for the food and beverage group Lion stated. However this issue does not affect us consumers on a day-to-day basis, and the low prices keep us happy and of course, keep us shopping at these big supermarkets. Everyone wins with the Rewards Programs Another good thing for the shoppers at these two big chains is the rewards systems they have. And we win again. Despite the cheaper price war having been leaded by Coles the majority of times, Woolworths seems to have another way of fighting. Their CEO Grant O’Brien came out with a new strategy: the Everyday Rewards. The more the customer shops, the more discount they get. Users of the cards get exclusive offers, discount on fuel and can even earn Qantas flyer points. And not only in Woolworths, they have retail partners like Big W, Dick Smith and Cellarmasters that will also benefit the customer. Coles also has their rewards system, the Flybuys. With this card, apart from the exclusive offers on Coles and affiliated firms products, the customer collects points at every purchase, which can later be changed by different prizes. But this is not only good for the consumers. Its basically the company saying that they will give us prizes, in exchange for our information. A Rewards system allows the firm to collect data about their customers, which they can use in their favour, to create loyalty and promote trust. With the Everyday Rewards, Woolworths has been able to collect a good amount of information, while Flybuys is still in the process of build its strength. Easy and Simple Another very good thing for the customer about these two big brands is the convenience. Everywhere we go, every big shopping center and busy area in a suburb will have at least one of the two, if not both. Coles and Woolworths have very strong analysts that will know where to place their shops, and if there is an area lacking one, it’s probably not because they are still to build one, but because that are would not be so profitable yet. So for us, wherever we want to shop, we can always find one of these, and do not have to travel any long distance to get to one of these stores, as they are located almost everywhere too. Even for the most loyal customer from the small shops, sometimes it’s a lot more convenient to visit one of the big supermarkets, and they will end up buying something from there. Someone might be losing Unfortunately it’s not all flowers. For us to be paying such low prices, someone is losing money somewhere, and it’s not the big supermarkets. Because they are such big brands, suppliers need to have their products in their shelf. Coles and Woolworths claim they have built very strong relationships with their suppliers, and it might be true, but a lot of the smaller suppliers are getting ripped off. They â€Å"bully† the suppliers to sell their products at really low prices, and they know they have this power, otherwise they won’t sell enough. They will also charge more to have the  products placed in good positions on their shelves. A lot of the times the prices suppliers are charging are so small, that they are struggling to survive with these sales, and it generates another whole big problem. Creating Enemies The ones losing with the big duopoly from Coles and Woolworths are the smaller suppliers, and the smaller shops too. But not every customer is just happy in paying small prices, they want to make sure everyone involved is protected. For this reason, there is a big pressure on ACCC from suppliers and the smaller businesses which don’t have a chance to compete. There is a party called Australian Green, and they fight strong against the practices these two supermarkets have againg farmers and small suppliers. Their objective, as they state on the website, is to â€Å"tackle the supermarket duopoly†, and the measures they are willing to take are strong. For example, put a temporary ban on expansion from Coles and Woolworths, or stopping this duopoly to purchase agricultural land, so they can’t control the whole supply chain. The ACCC is also holding an investigation about the bullying of suppliers. While most of us will not care that much about the situation these su ppliers are in, or will not have option to shop somewhere else, there is a big group who does care. These are customers who are willing to pay more, but do their groceries in a small shop so they can help that business, and also do not buy the products from exploited suppliers. No more competition Unfortunately, the group of very unhappy customers mentioned before is not large enough to make sure the small businesses will survive. With such low prices and big chains, the two major supermarkets will not give a chance for a smaller business to survive in the middle of this war. It is just impossible to compete with the two major supermarkets prices and their powerful middlemen, and the small shops start disappearing. Without competition, a lot of the products that do not have space on Coles or Woolworths shelves may also disappear, and this will also have a big impact on the economy as there is unemployment rising. This process will damage Australia food’s industry, and with the lack of new firms it might mean a lack of new products, and the whole market can go stale. Tricking the customers To have products at such low prices, as it was mentioned before, the suppliers will end up losing. But the customers might also lose sometimes. For example, the free range eggs case. Both Coles and Woolworths claim that they want to help customers switch from industrialised to free range eggs, by cutting the prices on the second one. However, the suppliers pay for the price that we are not, as it is impossible to have a free range egg production at such low prices. The customer will end up buying free range eggs thinking they are contributing to improve the animal welfare standards from the supermarkets, however, they do not know that they are still purchasing the â€Å"industrialised† free range eggs, the free range version of these two big supermarkets. Even though it seems there are more disadvantages to small businesses and suppliers than there are advantages for us customers, it is not the number, but the quality of these advantages that count. This battle is far from the end, because it is not likely that the masses will stop shopping at Coles or Woolworths anytime soon. However, the ones that are more conscious about it can only expect that it will make a difference in the future, when the ACCC take strong measures or the political inaction ends, and someone who genuinely cares and is strong enough to change this is put in charge. In the meanwhile, we will keep enjoying the convenience to just walk for 10 minutes and find a shop, or receive rewards and discount on products and even fuel, and keep ignoring all the ones losing from this. In the end, it is a battle and someone will lose. If not the big duopolistic market, a part of the population will pay.